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If you are a part of a Newcastle family with one or more autistic members, then this is an article you will want to read.  Corner House Services is now providing adult autism STA and SIL services for adults as young as 17 years in the city of Newcastle.  Corner House Services, a preferred NDIS autistic service provider, has been providing care in excellence for over 15 years in New South Wales.


Many Newcastle families have found that managing adult autism in the home can be particularly difficult.  There are so many critically important variables.  The close ties (trust) in family members can also give rise to abuse of those carers by the autistic adult in the form of taking advantage of the family relationship a relationship with which they grew up and trust enough to punish as often as needed in order to get the inner peace of an autistic adult.


Breaking away from the family home for an autistic adult who has lived at the same location with the same carers for 20, 30 years or longer is an extremely sensitive extrication process.  It begins with interim relocations, coupled with surrogate carers who are able to garner both the trust and respect of that new carer.  In many cases there are numerous back-pedals in the form of reconnecting the participants with their families to assuage separation anxiety.  This is where experience with adult autism is invaluable.  This is also why Corner House Services is a preferred adult autism SIL service provider in New South Wales.


The time frame from STA (the transition) to SIL (the goal) is different with each and every individual participant.  There can be a great deal of simple one-night stays away from the home or longer.  It depends upon the degree of separation anxiety experienced by the participant.  We have found that starting earlier with adults can often help to east those transitional tensions, because the general disposition of a teenager (even an autistic teenager) is far more exploration-oriented than a 30-year-old autistic adult who has never left home for their entire lives.


Corner House Services STA, MTA and SIL service provider for people of Newcastle is a consortium of people who are experts at caring for people with autism.  The niche specific focus of Corner House Services is facilitating a smooth transition from STA to SIL for the most challenging and difficult autistic adults

As you move through the Newcastle NDIS, you will be provided with a Local Area Coordinator who will provide you access to Corner House Services.  You may also contact Corner House Services directly: +1 0431 721 564.  Corner House Services caring staff will help you to understand the general process of getting your autistic adult, perpetual home dweller, to embark on a journey of self-reliance which when facilitated by Corner House Services can be a very smooth transition from the home to STA to SIL.


Newcastle is no different than the rest of Australia who is experiencing a significant increase in individuals with autism.  Well, facts being as they are, rest assured, when they grow up into adulthood, Corner House Services is here as an approved NDIS SIL service provider for your needs, for your convenience and for your peace of mind.

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